Vapaa sana

Olen tyttö from Suomi ja hyvin iloista ja nauravaa sorttia ja sen kaverini voivat todistaa. Tykkään monista kouluaineista joihin eivät kuulu matikka, äikkä, kemia ja kaikki ne muut aineet joista sain 8.
Loput aineet joista tuli 9 tai 10 ovat hyvin hauskoja aineita.

Pidän ihan älyttömästi naruto-sarjasta ja Amazing race-sarjasta.
Pelaan aika paljon playstation2 ja katon paljon telkkarii tai pyörin koneella tai ehkä mä sittenkin pyörin kirjastossa mutta ei kuitenkaan ehkä mä piittän tai luen tai, tai....................................................
Enkä mä kuitenkin oon täällä kirjottamassa jotain aivan järjetöntä.


What does akatsuki think of you?

Your Boyfriend is: Pein
Your Friends are: everyone but Konan
Enemy: Konan *but you are unaware*
I dont think its possible NOT to like her, she puts the Leader in a good mood.
Shes strong, and seems impressed with my abilities. Now Leader isnt whining about my impatience.
She say Tobi good boy, just like Leader!
Shes very interesting to train with. Even more so to watch her train with Leader
She would put her life on the line for me one hundred times, because of that I am in love with her.
She thinks shes amazing because shes going out with Pein. He gives her too much slack.
Shes strong. Leader seams to be pleased.
Shes not the most hilarious person in the Akatsuki. But having another girl seems to lighten up the atmosphere. At least it does for Leader- *snickers*

Kommentti from me:
Järkytyin hiukan ton testin tuloksesta aika paljon. Harmi. Oisin mä voinu olla Konaninkin kaveri koska mä oon imma.  :-D


Name: Kaede, Akimi (Maple, Autumn Beauty)
Age: 12
Star Sign: Cancer
Squad: Team Baki
Friends With: Naruto, Hinata, Kiba, Chouji, Lee, Gaara (very unexpected), Temari, Kankuro
Most Likely Boyfriend: Gaara (VERY unexpected!). Naruto, Kiba, Kankuro
About You (And The Character): You are VERY hyper for a ninja. To you, having fun is what it's all about! Whether it's a mission or a chore, you can turn into something worthwhile and fun. You could brighten up anyone's day with just a smile. You're also very weird for a ninja as well. You love to paint. It lets you express your feelings, or just about how your day has been, or what happened today on a single sheet of paper. A sketchbook to you is like a photo album only better. Give you a piece of paper, paint, and a brush and you'd be off in your thoughts in a flash! You love your friends with all of your hyper little heart. Your friends mean everything to you. They're like a second family! Sometimes you wish they were your family. You love to hang out with them and just share a few laughs. Losing a friend to you is like your heart shattering into small pieces. If you lost a friend you would probably lose your pep forever! Overall you're just a hyper, klutzy, little ninja.
(~What The Naruto Characters Say About You~)
Naruto: I wonder if she'd like to help me train sometime!

Sasuke: I hate her, she's just another Naruto. Which we don't need.
Sakura: Oh, God! Not another Naruto! *weeps*
Kakashi: She burnt my book! *weeps* (Me: Go you!)
Hinata: *giggles* She reminds me so much of Naruto! She even likes ramen as much as him.
Shino: I'm glad she doesn't find my bugs disgusting. But she is way too hyper.
Kiba and Akamaru: I uhhh... (Has a crush on you but can't seem to admit it.) (Me: Awww!)
Kurenai: She's way to hyper, if she doesn't calm down she'll never be a good shinobi!
Shikamaru: She called me Pineapple Head, but I know she was just teasing me...right?
Ino: I hate her, she beat me in a yelling contest! *vein* (Me: Errr)
Chouji: She's nice, and doesn't call me fat like everyone else. She even spends some time with me every now and then.
Asuma: Her pranks are very funny, except for the one where she stole my cigarette and hid in one of Choji's ribs. Luckily he didn't eat it. *sweat* (Me: Woot!)
Lee: She's nice, I enjoy talking to her, I like her smile a lot*blush* (Me: Could this be saying something?)
Neji: She's all right...I guess, just way to hyper like that annoying Naruto kid.
TenTen: Who?
Gai: She's so...youthful! Her and Lee would make such a cute couple! *happy tears*
Gaara: She's respectful of me...She's my only friendShe even said that I wasn't a monster*blush* (Me: Go you! Gaara's not gonna kill you!)
Temari: She's just like a little sister to me! She even makes Gaara happy.

Kankuro: Heh, wish she'd go out with me...But maybe I should let Gaara have her, I can tell that he really likes her though he may not show it.
Jaraiya: She's a masterpiece! I wish she just wasn't as hyper as Naruto.
Tsunade: Promising ninja, that's for sure, I wish she worked for the Leaf Village.
Shizune: There's something about her that I don't like.
Orochimaru: She's not worth my time, she's way too hyper.
Kabuto: I'm glad Orochimaru doesn't want her. She'd just get in the way of my studies.

Kommentti from me: Mites näin on päässy käymään?  :-D


Minut tunnetaan seuraavista asioista:
-Pipon iltasadun lukijana
-Asioiden linkittäjänä
-Tyhjän naurajana
-Kuroboshin kaverina
-Unissaan kuolaajana


Mun Upeat Tilanteet:

-Todistajan läsnäollessa olen kiljunut unissani IIIKK! KÄÄRME!! APUA!!
-Syy: Näin unta että pieni käärme puraisi minua peukalosta.

-Todistajan läsnäollesssa olen huutanut unissani APINAA ja halannut tyhjää meinaten pudota sängystä.
-Syy: Näin lehdessä kuvan suloisesta Japanissa elävästä apinalajista.

-Todistajan läsnäollessa olen mumissut unissani jotain epäselvää.
-Syy: Muuten vain mumisin, kai...


Lisää unia:

Juuri ennen kesälomaa näin unta että oli talvi.
Se tuntui todelliselta koska ikkuna oli unohtunut auki.   -____-''

Näin unta että murhanhimoinen marathonjuoksija jahtasi minua.
Pääsin onneksi pakoon hyppäämällä rotkoon ja selvisin hengissä.

Näin unta että äiti tuli herättämään ja sitten heräsin oikeasti.


Ikävät herättäjät top5
-Jonkun muun aikaisemmin soiva herätyskello
-Vahingossa hälyyttämään pantu herätyskello
-Pilapuhelu keskellä yötä
-Jonkun muun aiheuttama kolistelu vessassa


Kesälomalla olen todennut inhoavani hoputusta:
-Ylös sängystä!
-Syö äkkiä se aamupala!
-Muut on jo valmiita nyt äkkiä!


Kommentit (Lataa vanhempia)
ainoboy - 2010-08-02 17:41:48
hha :D no nyt on ainaki helpompi löytää ;)

kuroboshi - 2010-09-23 16:22:27
Se elämä on kuin kohokas!Vai miten se meni...

kuroboshi - 2010-10-08 16:50:17
Voi ei!

kuroboshi - 2010-12-18 08:12:08
tuuletin on päällä!

kuroboshi - 2010-12-18 08:12:40
Hyvää Joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta Immalle!-Kuro

Sora - 2011-02-07 16:30:43
Ahaha, kiitos kommentista ^^-

Sora - 2011-02-12 17:08:27
Tätä xD Minullakin on välillä huono muisti :`D Sanat viedään suoraan suusta kun unohtaa kesken lauseen mitä piti sanoa.

Kipsi - 2011-02-26 15:21:39
Terve!Mitäs kuuluu? :)

Kipsi - 2011-03-04 12:31:48
Ihan hyvää nyt kun viikonloppu vihdoin alkoi. On ollut kauheesti nimittäin kokeita sun muita. (:

Kipsi - 2011-03-04 18:11:11
Mulla oli viime viikolla.

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